THE MAGIC OF CHRISTMAS by Virginia Wanjiru
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I was sitting in my room wondering if the angels ever sing to Jesus ‘happy birthday’ on his big Christmas day!
And if they do, does he flash that universally awkward look we all wear during the birthday song? You know the one where you are not sure whether to clap, smile or find an escape route?
Anyway it was a wild thought… because we might even have the date wrong!
Matters of heaven are far beyond us, and we can only imagine how glorious the celebration for our Savior’s birthday might be.
It is starting to look a lot like Christmas! The air is filled with a certain kind of joy, the kind that only this season can bring.
Back in the day, Christmas meant packing up and heading to Ushago!
Woe unto you if you dared remained in the urban dwellings in this season- then the question “kwani hamna ushago?” would become familiar to your ears.
The few times, I have remained in town for the Christmas season, it The streets were eerily empty, the usual bustle replaced by an unnatural stillness. It was lonely.
Oh, the nostalgia. The new clothes alone were worth the hype. It was a full-on fashion show in the living room, starring yours truly! And my cousins!
It had to be brand new clothes because no outfit dared repeat on Christmas day!
And then there was the best part of the day. My grandfather would (still does!) bless the family with a sheep to be slaughtered.
And of course there were other delicacies, because no amount of meat is truly enough. The chapos, and in my opinion they always tasted better on Christmas.
But oh, how times have changed. These days, that vibrant tradition feels like it is slipping through our fingers. Gone are the days of fresh wardrobes. A girl could really use a wardrobe makeover right now!
We stay in the city, arguing that the transport fare could be spent on extra chapati at the comfort of our homes. It is practical yes. But exciting? not as much!
But all in all the magic of Christmas lies where the heart is.
And the heart is where family is! I don’t know if that is an actual quote, I just came up with it. Feel free to credit me.
It is about those moments spent together even if the feast wasn’t as big.
At its core, Christmas is a season bursting with joy and hope. It is a season of God’s unconditional love- sending his son to save us.
That alone is enough reason to celebrate, whether or not you have a feast of fine culinary delicacies or new clothes.
So on this day joy is a non-negotiable. you cannot afford to be sad on the day Jesus was born. It is only when you are happy that you can welcome him in your heart.
That said, do you ever feel like we celebrate the day more than the birthday boy himself? Food for thought.
Do you think in Nazareth, 2000 years ago, Mary would bake a cake for his son…anyway I digress.
Let’s also talk about the Christmas tree. The only place I reliably see on is in the malls. I envy families who have them at home, with all the lights and ornaments-it is a foreign concept in my family.
And don’t even get me started on the snowflakes plastered on screens, symbolic to Xmas season. Hello? We’re African. Snowflakes? where?
Let’s not even get started on the boxing day…
So, as we celebrate this beautiful season, here is my Christmas wish for you:
May your days be merry and with all the good tidings that come with this season
That whether you will celebrate it in new clothes or feasting upon that meat or neither of the above…
None the less, that you will be happy whenever you will be
It is the coming of the prince of peace, so may that peace fill thy hearts.
And remember the magic of Christmas lies in your heart.
And if you spot a black Santa, snap a picture for me, it is for, uh, research purposes.
Anyway joy unto the world, the lord has come! Let earth receive her king!
Merry Christmas and happy new year!