And the Bride Wore White- Seven Secrets to Sexual Purity

Posted in Book Review

And the Bride Wore White- Seven Secrets to Sexual Purity

And the Bride Wore White- Seven Secrets to Sexual Purity

in Book Review By Mccuon on 17 Nov 2015

Tittle: And the Bride Wore White- Seven Secrets to Sexual Purity
Author: Dannah Gresh
Place of Publication: Chicago
Publisher: Moody publishers
Date of Publication: 2004
Edition: Celebration edition.
Number of pages: 185
In this age and time, where low moral standards have been promoted on television, social media, movies and music, it’s hard to know the truth about God’s intention on sexuality. Dannah Gresh the founder of Pure Freedom, a ministry that equips youth to live a life of sexual purity, uncovers the truth that has been long covered by Satan’s big fat lies.
Dannah begins each chapter with a story from her past journals as she struggles to go through teenhood. She transparently shares her pain followed by healing and moments of triumphs. In the first five chapters, the book gives celebration stories. Dannah poses a question on the kind of love stories that society cherishes as the best love stories but end in tragedies. For instance, she asks,”What is the happily ever after or the sunset of the popular Romeo and Juliet?” She gives an alternative love story for that. As the book progresses, Dannah encourages the readers to dream about the future because purity dreams. Even as it dreams, she goes ahead and tells how a person of royalty should carry herself around modestly because of the value God has placed on her. She uses a very interesting comparison on value and asks, “Are you a disposable cup, an ordinary mug that can easily be replaced or a priceless china tea cup?”

Dannah explores the subject of purity in a very practical and extra ordinary way that leaves the readers with a solution unlike other writers who diagnose a problem only to leave you clueless about how to go about, dealing with it.
I would recommend the book to every queen even if you are not a reader; this book offers great insights for before courting, during and even after marriage – that is, how to continue with sexual purity in your marriage. The most amazing thing about this book is that you too can write your story and can choose the direction that you want it to take. At the end of every chapter, it gives you a chance to write to God a letter, admitting your mistakes, asking for help and even expressing your desires. You get to have a talk with God!!
As my friend Mbogo, Puts it, ignorance is hereditary. If you won’t read it for your own sake, then do it for your generation.


Author : Mccuon

The Main Campus Christian Union, MCCU is an interdenominational,non profit making and non political .We acknowledge the sovereignty of God in creation, revelation, redemption an,d final judgment,Thereby we are committed to deepen and strengthen the spiritual life of the individual, as members and to witness to the Lord Jesus as God incarnate and to seek to lead others to a personal faith in Him.Bound by the calling to live holy and righteous lives based on The Holy Bible and following the example of our Lord Jesus and appreciating our ethnic, cultural, denominational and gender diversities. .

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