Sunday School

I'm sure most of us, while growing up, attended the Sunday School in our various home churches and I guess that is what laid the foundation for who we are now and how much we've grown in our spiritual lives. The Main Campus Christian Union, under the Sunday Service docket, has a Sunday School which is also one of the ministries.

The roles played by the Sunday School ministry in the Christian Union are teaching children about the word of God and thereafter helping them memorise key verses that will help them in their day to day lives by encouraging them and directing them on how to live. The children are also mentored to grow in Godly ways, like being disciplined, obedient, humble and prayerful. From the story of Jesus we learn that while He was young, He used to go to the temple to pray. In addition to this, the book of Ephesians 6:1-4 says ''Children, obey your parents in the Lord (obedience), for this is right. Honor your father and mother, which is the first commandment with a promise (respect) so that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth. Do not exasperate your children instead bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord (teaching and training)''. From the Bible we see that all these values should be taught in the school to eneble the children grow in the ministry and the union at large.

The Sunday School is structured in two ways, the teachers and the children. The children are further grouped into two groups, the lower class having children of age 4-7 and the upper class having children of age 8-15. The school has a maximum of 20 children and 5 teachers.

The Sunday School is a ministry where the teachers exercise their calling and passion in teaching by leading the children to the kingdom of God for the Bible says in Proverbs 22:6 that ''teach a child in the way he should go and he will never forget even at old age''. To add on this, the book of Luke 18:16 says ''but Jesus called the children to Him and said let the little children come to me and do not hinder them for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these''.

The Sunday School is a place where children are nurtured to respect their cultures, discover their talents and use them to serve God and also become confident and courageous. These are actualized through dance ministration, script performances, cultural presentations and the teachings. Through all these the children become knowledgeble and wise in the Lord and the Bible affirms this as the book of Luke 2:40 says ''and the child grew and became strong, he was filled with wisdom and the grace of God was on him''.