ICT, Media & Journalism

ICT ministry

ICT ministry is under the ICT Publicity media and Journalism committee led by the Director. The ministry is tasked with roles ranging from and notwithstanding

  • Graphic design - posters, banners, brochures.
  • Video editing - MCCU show, MCCU podcast,Publicity videos.
  • Photography and videography.
  • Social media management of the union on various platforms.
  • websiite and mobile app development
  • news anchoring and podcasting
  • projections


The ministry is very interactive and an amazing opportunity to gain various technical skills that are offered throughout the week. This include:

  • Graphic design classes - Monday 6-7pm
  • Videography - Saturday 8-11am
  • Video editing - Saturday from 7pm.

The ministry members also engage in bonding and fellowship through weekly ministry fellowship characterised with bible study and seasoned with monthly ministry prayers .


We are led by our able leadership. The current leadership ( 2022/2023) positions are:

  1. Director-Ruth Khavere
  2. Incharge ICT and Publicity-John O Kennedy
  3. Assistant incharge ICT and Publicity- Virginia Wanjiru
  4. Incharge media and Journalism - Boniface Muoka
  5. Incharge publicity - Samuel Kioko, Kairū Karega.
  6. Member 1 - Mercy Macharia
  7. Member 2- Loise Munyua.
  8. Co-opted members- Aaron Ngore, Peter Onsomu.

We are the minisrty to be in. fun and learning in one place. Join us behind the Speaker's desk every Sunday after sevice and for our Bible study every Wednesday from 5 pm to 6pm.