May my enemies’ plans for evil be turned against them. Do as you promised and put an end to them.
Devotional Text
It is true that God will repay those who falsely accuse us, but how hard it is to remain silent and let God exact vengeance! Moses and Aaron knew this truth, as their attitudes remained perfect when faced with the strongest challenge to their authority in the wilderness. The “gainsaying of Core” (Jude 11 KJV) is marked as the most slanderous, dangerous illustration of rebellion in the Old Testament. Moses could have easily ordered the opposing leaders’ deaths or fought them in a fistfight. Instead, he “threw himself down with his face to the ground” (Numbers 16:4). He chose to let God execute His own justice. Christ displayed a quiet, humble spirit before Pilate. In spite of wave upon wave of slanderous accusations, “Jesus said nothing, much to Pilate’s surprise” (Mark 15:5). The moment arrived when both Moses and Jesus were justified by God before all men—Moses when the ground swallowed Korah, and Jesus through the resurrection. Be patient, humble, and quiet before your God. Proclaim with the psalmist, “But God is my helper. The Lord is the one who keeps me alive!” (Psalm 54:4).