Isaiah 11:2

Devotional for Thu, Sep 12, 2024

Isaiah 11:2

Scripture Reference: Isaiah 11:2

by MCCUON | Thu, Sep 12, 2024

Scripture Exerpt:

And the Spirit of the Lord will rest on him—the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord.

Devotional Text

Like the six branches of the lampstand in the tabernacle, there are six facets of the Holy Spirit’s character. First, He is the Spirit of wisdom, revealing to us His future purposes both for ourselves and for His kingdom. Second, He is the Spirit of understanding, giving us revelation about our present situation and how best to be fruitful in it. Third, He is the Spirit of counsel, instructing us in solving hard problems by discerning the root causes. Fourth, He is the Spirit of might, strengthening us with power in our inner man and anointing us with His spiritual gifts. Fifth, He is the Spirit of knowledge, revealing to us the various attributes of Jesus in the Word of God. Finally, He is the Spirit of the fear of the Lord, showing us areas of our lives where sin has a foothold and then changing us into the image of Christ. Jesus, the “stump of David’s family” (Isaiah 11:1), perfectly portrayed all these characteristics. Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you today with these six attributes, and you will walk like Jesus walked!

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